Gra is a free-to-play, open-source, simple, turn-based, strategy game for more players (currently, 2-6 are supported) in which the goal is to gain power over the generated map. Unlike the classical turn-based games, in the Gra, players play simultaneously - the actions are applied when all the players are ready. Moreover, there are more game variants (sadly, only one is implemented, but it will change!). You can read the rules.


You can play the game in a browser. Or, you can download the game for Windows. There is also a binary for Linux, but you have to sort out the dependencies and Wayland problems. Also, you can play Gra as a board game (if you want to lose friends, play it in three or more people). For this, check out the page Boardgame.


The game is in the alpha version and in active development, so there are many bugs, crashes, missing features, etc. The game also has only one developer doing everything (me), so the development is slow and already took me about 3 years (I started on 14 Dec 2020).

If you are interested in me, you can continue to the page About-Me. If you are more interested in the source code, please proceed to the Source-code. If you are interested in the wonderful and painless development process (things like planned features, past wrong decisions, my feelings about past me, traps I set for my future me...), I am sorry to disappoint you. Right now, there is no medium for me to communicate, BUT this thing will change (I hope).